
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Teachers Don't Really Have a Summer Break...

All those people that say, "It must be nice to have 2 months off...." I say, "we never really leave the classroom behind" When I'm shopping, I look at things and think, "Oh, I can use that for my classroom" I cannot step inside Chapters without going to the kids section to see what new picture books are out and how I can integrate them into my units. I am on Pinterest A LOT looking for new teaching ideas. As one pin put it:
So you see, we really don't have 2 months off, we have hours, or maybe a day or two at a time where we are "off" but good teachers are always thinking about how to make learning come alive. Case in point, this blog. My goal for this blog is to share the things we are doing in my grade two class, and hopefully learn by reflection on how to be a better teacher (which will be hard cause I'm pretty awesome, and modest). So I am hoping that at some point along the way, you will find an idea that starts your teaching juices flowing... and if it does, let me know!

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited to see you have success with this blog as you have many neat ideas! Good luck!
