
Monday, November 26, 2012

Pop Art

We are starting our unit on Pop Art as made famous by Andy Warhol. We have completed one project and are in the midst of our second. I love this unit because the projects are so colourful! Here is our POP art ( I love me a good play on words!) 

 I found this project on Pinterest (of course) and loved the graphic nature and the simplicity. I found a picture of a coke bottle online, printed it in greyscale on regular photocopy paper, cropped the paper a bit so there was not as much to colour, and the kids did the rest!

Our second project is handprints (another pinteresting idea) and we're not all done yet, but they are really taking shape.

Students trace their hands 4 times and colour their hands and backgrounds with pencil crayon or crayon in different colours (you could do complimentary colours). Then I paint their hand with black tempera paint and they "stamp" their hands on top of the coloured hands.

On a side note, I love having a coloured wall to hand art on, so much better than white, (imho).

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