
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Community Helpers

So this morning we talked about community helpers, and man was it difficult for my guys to come up with jobs in our community! I think we have to read some more books! They had no problem listing restaurants they loved (when we talked about jobs in the goods industry) but then asking them what jobs the people do in those restaurants was like pulling teeth. I asked, who brings you your food? Does it magically appear? Who cooks the food? I got blank stares! REALLY?? I have never had a class that had this much trouble! Then on the services side, I also had to prompt them A LOT! They came up with teacher and vet at first so I was like ok, this is good, then they hit the wall and I had to prompt them like crazy to give me police officer, nurse, doctor, ambulance driver etc. I was a tad shocked. So needless to say we will be reading some more books and revisiting our chart.... Sigh.... This afternoon we had a parent come in who is an E.R. nurse and she talked about her job and then of course right in the middle we had a fire drill (not great timing) so after that they were pretty squirrely. I felt bad for this mom, and we tried to keep them under control but they had lost any focus they had had before the drill, so it was pretty chaotic. Then I had them work on a sheet talking about what job they might want to do when they grew up. I think our discussion this morning may have helped a little, it did not seem like it was successful at all, but maybe something did sink in. Some memorable ones were, Zoo Keeper, Mom, Nurse, Pilot, and Pirate! haha

Here is the Page: The font is Kidprint (in case you want to print it in the original font)
when I grow up

SO that was my day....

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